
Special Angels of The Woodlands (SAW) is a God honoring organization committed to enhancing the lives of adults with intellectual disabilities by providing the highest quality Day Activity Center, with a strong emphasis on both enjoying and serving our communities.


Our vision is to integrate adults with intellectual disabilities into the larger community while working towards long-term residential housing for our clients. We strive to encourage self-reliance, social skill development and community involvement for each of our Special Angels.

Loving God… Loving People… Loving Community!

What We Offer

SAW Day Program operates an Activity Center Monday – Friday for adults with special needs. We plan fun activities for our clients both at the Center and out in the community. Our outings consist of birthday luncheons, trips to the library and the park, shopping, bowling, gardening, volunteering and going to the movies. At the Center we enjoy planning parties and making crafts, packing care packages for soldiers overseas, dancing and socializing with friends. Special Angels is a place where our clients feel at home.

The services we offer are important to both our clients and their families who benefit from respite time while their loved one is in our caring and capable hands. Here is a short video about us: