It really does take a community to provide the highest quality day activity center for our Special Angels. There are many ways in which you can offer your time, treasure and talents. SAW is eager to work with you in whatever capacity you feel you would like to serve. You are a blessing with gifts to share. You are welcome to join our family of Special Angels.
Adopt An Angel
In order to reduce the financial burden on our participating families, the SAW Board of Directors is constantly striving to raise funds. On average each Angel spends $25 a day to attend our Center. Even at this low cost, some of our Angels cannot pay. SAW strongly encourages them to attend anyway. However, operational costs must still be met.
In response to their need, the SAW Board of Directors has launched an Adopt An Angel program. All of the funds raised through this appeal provide tuition assistance for Special Angels in need.
Shop 'Til You Drop!
Creative sources for fundraising have been found both locally and via e-commerce. Two community partners helping Special Angels of The Woodlands raise funds for operations are the Randall’s and Kroger stores. Both grocers donate a percentage of their sales to Special Angels. Likewise, Macy’s Shop For A Cause is an annual event benefiting Special Angels.
Opportunities to shop online can benefit our Special Angels as well. SAW is an AmazonSmile charity you can select to support, PayPal and Ebay are partners in enabling shoppers to designate a portion of their sales to SAW. And, Special Angels of The Woodlands is an Oprah Winfrey GiveBack Charity.
“Get ready for Prime Day! Sign up for AmazonSmile and select Special Angels of The Woodlands as your preferred charity at Remember to shop for deals at, or with AmazonSmile ON in the Amazon app, and AmazonSmile will donate to us at no cost to you.”
Volunteer Your Talents
There just wouldn’t be a SAW organization without our volunteers. Our thirteen Board of Directors set the pace with their tireless efforts in the pursuit of funds to maintain operations. Our grant writer, volunteer coordinator, community liaison, parent coordinator, and fundraising chair are all heavenly-sent volunteers.
There are many needs at the SAW Center and therefore many opportunities to serve. Have you a talent just waiting to be shared?